<Pump Chump> is now part of <HR>: https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/guild/us/living-flame/hr
Day 1 SoD guild, our core has been playing games together for years, including Classic and Retail. In Classic our guild liked pushing speed and we are continuing to focus on that in SoD.
Warriors, ferals, TSA hunter, spriest
Taking all skilled players who like to play the game. We like people who are willing to play hybrids/offspecs, multiple classes/roles. Focus on team goals rather than individual parsing, etc.
Must have or be willing to level a split alt.
Bench/casual players are welcome to fill spots - all mains are intended have a raid spot every lockout.
Considering all classes/roles for second 20-man group, will consolidate into one 40-man if that comes to be.
Loot Council.
We split mains for loot and try to ensure high value pieces get into the right hands.
All drops are prio'd to mains over alts, split alts over other alts.
Main team is Wed 8pm server (10pm EST), 2nd team is TBD but one of Tues/Thurs/Sun/Mon.
Typically 2 raids lockouts. You may or may not be de-prio'd on loot during trial.
You can apply at our discord, most efficient way for us to get all your info; or DM speed1307 in discord or Speed in-game for questions.
speed1307, Speed in-game
Pump Chump plays 1 times per week for a total of 4 ore.
Day | Start | Duration |
Gio | 02:00 | 4 ore |
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